Thursday, September 11, 2008

Aananya has arrived

2nd Sept को एक नन्ही सी परी ने सहगल खानदान मे जनम लिया। She is totally a bundle of joy and all of us are so blessed to have her. I am so very ecstatic and keep on kissing my didi, though papa and mamma are trying to stop me as I have cough and cold. I am learning to go a bit soft on my touch.

It is going to be a learning process for papa and mamma all over again. Papa is so good with babies but very surprisingly he was so apprehensive picking Aananya - she is so tiny and angel indeed.
क्या मै भी इतना छोटा था?

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Birds and me a natural attraction - डैड पे गया हूँ !

Aan - The Babbar Sher

Never imagined that me the Babbar Sher will feed milk to another, so soon....time really flies....I had great fun in Bangkok especially in the Jungle Safari.
Offcourse I am getting naughtier by the second.

पापा और छोटे पापा पर गया हूँ !

I am eagerly waiting for Aananya to join me and my antics. I am so sure that we would be नहले पे देहला।